Thursday, July 31, 2008

Robot Chicken Mario Bros.

This is a classic vid which I'm sure most have seen, but it seems fitting to post. While Mario goes out in a blaze of glory, a la Scarface, Luigi gets blasted while waving a, wait for it, freakin' pipe wrench. He also spends most of the clip freaking out like a scared little kid at Chuck E Cheese's.

Freakin' hilarious flash animations.

This flash animation is one of the funniest ones I've seen. It's a great reflection of Luigi's dumbassedness, and signifies, poetically, the unified desire that his existence be expunged. That, and he's a scared, dumb little girl.

More Luigi pwnage.......

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why, Why, Why???

Ok, so you've finally decided to get inked up. You've saved up some cash by not reinvesting your McDonalds paycheck in Happy Meals, and you head off to the tattoo parlor to get a really sick tat. Or you get a Luigi permanently drawn on your body. Now when you get naked with a girl, you have to figure out which one of two things she's laughing at.

Luigi loves God's little creatures.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Luigi headshot on Garry's Mod.

Say hello to my little friend.

Kill Luigi flash game.

A flash game where you get to kill Luigi. This is a great training exercise.

Kill Luigi Flash Game

The Luigi Story

A look at the life of Mario's brother. Don't feel like watching? I'll sum it up. Luigi sucks, Luigi sucks, Luigi wishes he didn't suck, Luigi does the freaky-deaky with Pong, Luigi gets a beatdown by little kids, Luigi sucks at rapping, and ,finally, Luigi thinks that he doesn't suck anymore but still does. The End.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Luigi Lovers Limited???? WTF????

I hate these guys.

From LLL:

" It'sa Me, Luigi! "

This group is dedicated to the sadly underrated Luigi.

All his life he has had to live in his brother Mario's shadow, so it's time the green hatted underdog received the recognition he deserves.

Throughout the years, the horrendous Bowser has kidnapped Peach on a regular basis, though everytime his plans have been thwarted by the red hatted Mario.

The only chance the beloved Luigi has had to show his true colours - predominately green infused with some dark blue and brown - was in Luigi's Mansion for the Nintendo Gamecube, surely he needs more than one just Bowser defeating under his belt.

So people please, show your appreciation to the lankier, less butch plumber = ]

Luigi Lovers Limited's Stupid Website

Please send hate mail....or better yet....beat the hell out of 'em.

What does Mario think?

Even Mario doesn't seem to care much for his brother. When faced with rescuing Luigi-tard, Mario has other plans.

Luigi on a deserted island....Hooray!!!

In this funny clip Luigi makes all our dreams come true.

Luigi paparazzi pic.

Ummmmm.....I got nothing to add about this one.

What was the deal with that fake Luigi?

Back during the Japan Wii, a dude in a Luigi outfit, handed out the first console and posed for pictures and then got booted in a hurry. But, questions remain: Who was this Luigi? Why was he escorted out? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! The costume was far too good to be an amateur. Moreover, how could this individual have gotten access to Yodobashi Camera. Logic tells us that it had to be an inside job, someone connected with either Yodobashi or Nintendo. The why, the how and the wtf still remain unanswered. An otaku conspiracy, how cute.

My theory......Mario was supposed to show, and Luigi snuck in while Mr. Red Badass was getting frisky with the princess. Oh, Luigi.

Dumbass Luigi

This video has been around awhile, and seems to be very popular. The salsa thing throws me off a little, but it ends with retarded Luigi getting pwned, so all is good.

First Hateful Post

This blog is in place to bring together a group of people who, together, have a single common dislike. Our hatred for anything and everything Luigi, has nessecitated the development of this website. We begin with a small video that sums up all that is wrong with this green mustachioed idiot...............

Feel free to email me at with any and all anti-luigi material, and I will make every attempt to post it.