Monday, November 23, 2009

Disturbing Luigi!!

It never ceases to amaze me how many creative ways that flash animators come up with to kill the Green Idiot.  It's kinda like "Saw", with all of the dumb plot twists left out.  Say, that reminds me, I think I need to hop on over to GoDaddy and buy

BTW, I didn't really buy the domain, so stop clicking on the freakin' link already.

More Luigi Pwnage

Poor luigi, always dying. Kinda makes you feel bad for him...... if you're one of the LLLs (Luigi Loving Losers) that voted to change Luigi's stars by saving the princess. Go to Hell, Luigi, and all that love you!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is There Something Wrong With This Picture?

At least we know who wears the pants.

Friday, November 13, 2009

My Baby Girl Hates Luigi Too

Having seen her daddy and brother raising anti-Luigi awareness, my eight-year old daughter decided to contribute to the cause in her own adorable way.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Feel Better About Yourself

Death To Luigi By Castration

OK, OK, so I know the vote is tied, but I was already working on this by the time that the tie vote was cast, so this is what you get. Deal with it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nightmare On My Street

I totally had a nightmare last night that scared me to death.  I dreamt that I was a little kid, and that there were like a million Luigis that had taken over the world, zombie apocalypse style.  Oh yeah, and for some reason, I was Asian.  You know what? Maybe I shouldn't have sold those pills that my psychiatrist gave me.

The Luigi Song

Because we try to be fair and unbiased here at, I felt it fitting to post this youtube video of Luigi's biggest fan singing a fantastic tribute to him.  Now please excuse me while I try to find a knife that's sharp enough to penetrate my skull and stab my brain.  My blood is on your hands LuigiFan18.

Luigi Gets Molested

Although I'm sure that Luigi wouldn't mind being molested by Wario, I'd be much happier believing that he was being forcefully sodomized and suffering.  Oh well, one can't be happy all the time. On to the Luigi rape......

How Fat!!!!

Luigi, you let youself go. What happened?
" I.....I.....I.....FART.....sorry I'm sick of Mario getting all the credit. We both are there."
Yeah, well, people like him, not you, so get used to it.

Sonic: Therapist Or Enemy?

Wow, Luigi is such a little girl.
Push him in, Sonic!!!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Luigi's First Porn Magazine.

"Hey, it's me, Luigi. This? Um, the book that's in my hand, is for Daisy."
(Stop hiding your gayness from society. You're as bad as Michael Jackson saying he doesn't like kids.)

Friday, November 6, 2009

What's Wrong With Luigi?

Here's a great blog post that hits the nail on the head with the many problems with Loser Luigi.  Major gnarly props to blog writer.  Here's a taste:

"The problem is that Luigi is a terrible adventurer he ends up hurting his partners or screwing them over in some way. One character, a blopper tells Mario that his brother tripped and pushed the poor creature in lava! freaking lava! That’s one of the most messed up things anyone can do to anyone!"

What's Wrong With Luigi?

Should Luigi Even Try To Live?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Luigi's Magic Button

Heres my first attempt at flash animation.  Enjoy, Luigi haters.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Luigi Trys To Steal Mario's Thunder

Too bad it didn't work. Luigi was just another distraction. Luigi couldn't wait his turn to play so he decides to go in with Mario. Worst. Idea. Ever. Don't mess with Mario, Luigi. He always jacks you up.

Mario Hates-a Luigi

Mario thinks it's funny to blow up his do we.

Even Nintendo Hates Luigi

Poor Luigi, always scared of tiny little puffballs.

Once You Shoot A Luigi, You Just Can't Stop

What's better than shooting Luigi in the face?  Shooting a bunch of Luigis in all of their stupid faces.


Luigi Decides To End His Life

Luigi, you jerk. Who's gonna clean up that mess?

Luigi's Punch Out

Luigi puts on the boxing gloves in his everlasting attempt to fail in every imaginable scenario.